Yo que no tengo
nada qué darte,
puedo volar y ser feliz.


¿Qué brilla cuando el sol se ha apagado? ¿Qué luz nos guía? Cuando hemos comenzado a amar se aquieta el sentimiento de pérdida, pero comienza el caos; insufrible tarea por convencer, por crear espacios en común, después, cuando ya nos hemos acostumbrado.

¿Y qué brilla cuando el sol se ha apagado? ¿Qué brota de un alma a oscuras? ¿De un corazón quieto? La verdad asoma su filo y las ganas pacientes se acaban. Pero hay una luz, yo sé que hay una luz, cuando todo, inclusive, es más que inquietante.

For my love where he may be (What can I do?)
I sing a song of love (What can I do to heal?)
For my love where he may be (What can I do?)
I sing a song of love (What can I do to heal?)

The wound that’s open (for my love where he may be),
open (yes, I sing a song of love),
open, open.

¿Qué puedo hacer? (Tú me viste)
¿Para volver a ti? (Te acercaste)
¿Qué puedo hacer? (Y dijiste)
¿Para volver a ti? (Ven a mí)
Yo te amo, no desistas, eres mía, vuelve a mí.

For my love where he may be I sing a song of love.
What can I do?
What can I do? (Para volver a ti )
¿Qué puedo hacer? (What can I do? )
¿Para volver a ti? (What can I do to heal?)
¿Qué puedo hacer para volver a ti?
¿Qué puedo hacer para volver a ti?

Y es un tiempo de sentimientos encontrados (I love you, I love you),
no sé ir a tu paso, pero sé que te amo.
Me alcanzan las ansias de libertad (I sing a song of love),
me enfurecen las cosas tranquilas.
Me he vuelto a ti, pero ya te has ido (I love him, I love him).
Es absurdo todo, inclusive, es más que inquietante (wherever he may be).


Fe, ten fe.

Exilio al frente no hay vuelta atrás (ten fe),
yo no tengo nada qué perder (somos dos).
Es ser audaz guerrero frente a su rival (ten fe),
yo no tengo nada qué temer.


Sunlight above of me,
down deep the dark.
I feel lost, airless, weak,
swim hard, swim hard, swim hard.

Some light in front of me,
some light in front of me,
some light in front of me,
some light in front of me.

Ten fe.


(Sonidos de voces que no se entienden)

Shhh Shhh Shhhhhhhhh.
Let’s talk of you and me, let’s be together;
in words let’s find the love, maybe it’s better,
maybe it’s better to find the love in our phrases.

“Contra la muerte nosotros demandamos vida, contra el silencio exigimos la palabra y el respeto; contra el olvido, la memoria”. *
“Ustedes son la sal de la tierra”. **
“Salgan signos a la boca de lo que el corazón arde, que nadie crecerá el incendio si el humo no da señales”. ***
“Esa mirada que puede reconocer en el otro su amigo, su compañero, la persona necesaria, y eso se llama reencuentro de las conciencias”. ****
“With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together”. *****
“Ese soy yo, el que habla contigo”. ******
“Las metáforas son peligrosas. Con las metáforas no se juega. El amor puede nacer de una metáfora”. *******
“Confieso que soy un gran orador, pero no lo soy a su manera porque, repito, no han dicho ni una sola palabra verdadera y vosotros vais a saber de mi boca la pura verdad”. ********
“Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength”. *********

En el caos se extravió,
desde el caos volverá.
Yo aún tengo qué decir,
mientras tú lo escucharás.
(Sonidos de voces que no se entienden, pero lo hacen)

* Subcomandante Marcos. Discurso: “Entre la luz y la Sombra”. Mayo, 2014.
** Jesucristo. Mateo 5:13.
*** Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. “Incendio”.
**** José Saramago. Discurso en Cáceres. Febrero, 1999.
***** Martin Luther King. Discurso: “I Have a Dream”. Agosto, 1963.
****** Jesucristo. Juan 4:26.
******* Milan Kundera. La insoportable levedad del ser, 1984.
******** Sócrates. “Apología de Sócrates”, Platón, 399 a.C.
********* Winston Churchill. Discurso: “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat”. Mayo, 1940.


Mía, no importa el tiempo sigues siendo mía.
Eres la frágil luz de un nuevo día.
Un sorbo de quietud, una alegría.
Un viento cálido de mediodía.
Eres la tierra fértil que me cuida.
Una caricia, eres vida misma.
Un sol brillante que nos ilumina aun siendo caminantes
de senderos agobiantes, mía.

Mía, decirlo al viento te hace aún más mía.
Eres una pasión que no se olvida.
Un puente a la ilusión, mi melodía.
Una canción de vida y valentía.
La dicha que me brinda tu energía.
Ese es mi aliento, esa es mi guarida.
Son tiempo y es espacio que nos dictan fuerza imperante
de conquistas apremiantes, mía.

Mía, no existe otra tierra en mi vida.
Recodo de cocoa y de vainilla.
El tronco, la raíz y la semilla.
La guía donde crece el alma mía.
La exactitud del tiempo y su medida.
Tu generosidad ha sido mía.
En tu verdad se mece mi osadía y tú, como una madre,
me contienes anhelante, mía.


Abbun D'bishmayya.

Red the blood,
white the peace of heavens,
gold the love.

Weak in flesh,
fragile understandings,
mundane taste.

Red the blood,
white the peace of heavens,
gold the love.

I know the path of the walking dead,
it drives you down, ultimate despair.
Don’t look at it, don’t look it.
You worry too much about your fate,
of course that’s more than you’d understand,
you’re underpressure.

There’s no fear in love.

Breathe in, stand up, walk and leading.
You’re free, must go live freely (look up).

Intimacy is our last sanctuary,
you left it over, you’ve got to admit it.
Forget the future and begin today.

There’s no fear in love (every time you’re there);
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
There’s fear in love.

Breathe in, stand up, walk and leading.
You’re free, must go live freely.
Look up, not even sky’s the limit (you feel it, love it is).
It’s home, it’s your heart beating (you feel it, love it is).
Look up, not even sky’s the limit (there’s no fear in love).
It’s home, it’s your heart beating (there’s no fear in love).

Red the blood (you feel it, love it is),
white the skies (you feel it, love it is),
gold the love (you feel it, love it is).

There’s no fear in love.

07. ZION

No temas (Monte Zion)
ve (Al lugar)
sé (Monte Zion)
cae (Hoy vuelve ahí)
vuela (Monte Zion)
hoy (Hoy vuelve ahí, al lugar: Zion)

Hoy vuelve ahí, al lugar
donde dormitas quieto
sobre verdes pastos.

Recorrerás la grandeza
que se extiende desde ti
hasta el otro lado.

Y frente al mar cuesta arriba,
caminando la pradera,
entiendes algo.
que este Monte y su cima
son tu propio Zion,

En el viento va la sal,
en la sal un despertar,
en su luz la claridad;
vuela alto.
Sin temor, sin vanidad,
con la fuerza de un volcán,
entendiendo tu verdad.

No temas, ve, sé, cae, vuela hoy.

Zion, Soberbio, hermoso Zion.
Grande, amado Zion.
Noble y fuerte, poderoso Zion.

No temas (Yo en ti)
ve (Hoy vuelve ahí)
sé (Tú en mí)
cae (Hoy vuelve ahí)
vuela (Al lugar: Zion)


Hey, you have to whistle
You have to whistle, hey
You have to whistle

Eu sempre quero estar
Eu sempre quero cantar
Pra ti, pra mi, pra tudo o mundo
Eu sempre quero ser a mesma
Iguais mas não a mesma, mesma.
Abandonar o que eu não preciso,
Cantar pra Deus e o teu sorriso
Sempre cantar ao amor.

Carinho, vocé é um Ave do Paraíso
Vocé é um forte e grande abrigo
Vocé é o som de minha voz

Portas milhão de luzes coloridas
É vocé faz festa da vida
Iluminando o coraçao

Eu tenho tudo pra vocé
É tão bonito, é pra vocé,
¿Quer vir comigu?
Vem aquí comigu, vem.

Hey, you have to whistle
You have to whistle, hey
You have to whistle.

É um amor, é uma cor, é a brisa,
Um calor, é a vida,
É a flor, é a lua,
É o sol, é a terra,
É raiz, é o momento feliz,
Pra vocé, para mim,
Para quem não está aquí,
Uma luz, um dizer, é a fé, é a paz,
Sentimiento importante, é afeto,
É prazer, um milagre, é saudade,
É voltar a nascer, rendição,
E verdade, esperança,
É crecer, é confiar, libertar-se.

You have to whistle this:
Hey, you have to whistle,
You have to whistle.


Fighting for, fighting for, fighting, fighting for, fighting, fighting.

Frankly, for what you’re fighting for? Frankly, fighting? Fine, fine.

Shouting, exciting, chanting, climbing, finding, gentle child; fragile, refracting, gentle, chanting; exciting, finding, shouting, climbing.

Fighting for, fighting for, fighting, fighting for, fighting, fighting.

I believe, and ‘cause I believe, I AM.
Fields already bloomed for us, fighting fit is our cause.

Fighting for, fighting for, fighting for.


If I have got nothing for you
I am free to fly


¿What shines when the sun goes down? ¿What light guides us? When we begin to love the sense of loss quiets down, but the chaos begins; the intolerable wish to persuade, to create common spaces, afterwards, when we have already gotten used.

¿And what shines when the sun goes down? ¿What springs from a soul in the dark, From a quiet heart? Truth´s edge appears and the patient desires are over. But there is a light, I know there is a light, when, on top of everything, it is all more than distressing.

For my love where he may be (What can I do?)
I sing a song of love (What can I do to heal?)
For my love where he may be (What can I do?)
I sing a song of love (What can I do to heal?)

The wound that’s open (for my love where he may be),
open (yes, I sing a song of love),
open, open.

What can I do? (you saw me)
To come back to you? (you approached)
What can I do? (and you said)
To come back to you? (come to me)
I love you, don´t give up, you are mine, come back to me

For my love where he may be I sing a song of love.
What can I do?
What can I do? (to come back to you)
What can I do? (What can I do?)
To come back you? (What can I do to heal?)
What can I do to come back to you?
What can I do to come back to you?

And it’s a time of mixed feelings (I love you, I love you)
I can’t go as fast as you, but I know I love you
I get a desire for freedom (I sing a song of love)
Quiet things infuriate me
I came back to you, but you’ve already gone (I love him, I love him)
Everything is absurd, and on top of that, it’s more than distressing (wherever he may be)



Have faith
An imminent exile, there is no way back (have faith)
I have nothing to lose (I feel You)
It ´s like being (becoming) a warrior in front of its rival (have faith)
I have nothing to fear


Sunlight above of me,
down deep the dark.
I feel lost, airless, weak,
swim hard, swim hard, swim hard.

Some light in front of me,
some light in front of me,
some light in front of me,
some light in front of me.

Have faith


(Inarticulate, mumbling speech sounds)

Shhh Shhh Shhhhhhhhh.
Let’s talk of you and me, let’s be together;
in words let’s find the love, maybe it’s better,
maybe it’s better to find the love in our phrases.

“Against death, we demand life. Against silence, we demand the word and respect. Against oblivion, memory.” *
“You are the salt of the earth.” **
“Let the mouth show signs if the heart is burning, because no one will increase the fire if the smoke gives no signs.” ***
“That look you can recognize in the other, the friend, the colleague, the necessary person, that is called a re-encounter of the consciousness.” ****
“With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together” *****
“That is me, the one speaking to you.” ******
“Metaphors are dangerous. Metaphores are not to be trifled with. A single metaphor can give birth to love.” *******
“I do indeed admit that I am eloquent, but in how different way from theirs! Well, as I was saying, they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth.” *******
“Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength” *********

It was lost in chaos
From chaos it will return
I still have things to say
Meanwhile, you will listen.
(Fluent, mumbling speech sounds)

* Subcomandante Marcos. Speech “Between Light and Shadow”, MAY, 2014.
** Jesus Christ. Mathew 5:13
*** Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. “Fire”
**** José Saramago. Speech in Caceres, February 1999.
***** Martin Luther King, Speech “I Have a Dream.” August, 1963
****** Jesus Christ. John 4:26
******* Milan Kundera, “La insoportable levedad del ser”, 1984.
******** Socrates, “The Apology of Socrates” By Plato, The Judgement of Socrates 399 B.C.
********* Winston Churchill. Speech, “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat,” May, 1940.


Mine, time goes by and you are still mine
(You are) The tender light of a brand new day
A quiet breath, happiness
A warm midday wind
(You are) The fertile ground that protects me
A light caress, you are life itself
A brilliant sun that shines upon us, even as we march
Through overwhelming straits, mine

Mine, shouting it makes you even more mine
(You are) An unforgettable passion
A way to dream, my melody
A song of life and bravery
The joy I get from your energy
That is my breath, my hideaway
Time and space urging us with prevailing strength
From demanding conquests, mine

Mine, there is no other land for me,
A twist of cocoa and vanilla
Trunk, root and seed
The path that enriches my soul
Time´s measure and accuracy
Your generosity has been mine
My boldness lies in your truth, and you, as a mother
Hold me back, longingly, mine.


Padre de nuestros cielos (Abbun D'bishmayya).

Roja es la sangre,
blanca es la paz de los cielos,
dorado es el amor.

De carne débil,
conocimientos frágiles,
gustos prosaicos.

Roja es la sangre,
blanca es la paz de los cielos,
dorado es el amor.

Conozco el sendero de los muertos vivientes,
te lleva cuesta abajo, desolación extrema.
No mires hacia allá, no mires.
Te preocupas demasiado por tu destino
y claro que es difícil de entender.
Estás bajo presión.

No hay que temer al amor.

Respira, levántate, camina y guía.
Eres libre, debes vivir libremente. (Mira hacia arriba)

La intimidad es nuestro último refugio.
Lo olvidaste, debes admitirlo.
Olvida el futuro y comienza hoy.

No hay que temer al amor. (Cada vez que lo sientes)
(Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete)

Respira, levántate, camina y guía.
Eres libre, debes vivir libremente.
Mira hacia arriba, el cielo no es el límite. (Lo sientes: es amor)
Es tu hogar, tu corazón palpitando. (Lo sientes: es amor)
Mira hacia arriba, el cielo no es límite (No hay que temer al amor)
Es tu hogar, tu corazón palpitando (No hay que temer al amor)

Roja es la sangre, (Lo sientes: es amor)
blancos son los cielos, (Lo sientes: es amor)
dorado es el amor. (Lo sientes: es amor)

No hay que temer al amor.

07. ZION

Fear not (Mount Zion)
Go (to the place)
Be (Mount Zion)
fall (go back there today)
Fly (Mount Zion)
Today (go back there today, to the place: Zion)

Go back there today, to the place
were you slumber quietly
On green pastures

You will traverse the greatness
that extends from you
To the other side

And seafront, uphill The wind carries the salt
Walking the prairie The salt carries an awakening
You understand something In its light, clarity
Fly high
You will discover Without fear or vanity Fear not (go)
That this Mount and its summit With the strength of a volcano Be, fall,
Are your own Zion Understanding Your truth Fly
Zion, zion, zion, zion Zion, Zion, Zion, Zion Today, today


Stellar, beautiful Zion
Great, beloved Zion
Strong and noble, mighty Zion

Fear not (I in you)
Go (Go back there today)
Be (Thou in me)
fall (Go back there today)
Fly (To the place: Zion)

08. STRELITZIA (Bird of Paradise)

Hey, you have to whistle
You have to whistle, hey
You have to whistle

I want to be, always It’s a love, It’s a color, it’s the breeze, it´s a heat,
I want to sing, always it’s life, it’s a flower, it’s the moon, it’s the sun, it’s
For you, for me, for everyone the earth, it’s a root, it’s a joyful time, for you, for
I want to be always the same me, for those who are not here, a light, a saying,
The same, but not exactly the same it’s the faith, it’s the peace, important feeling,
(To) let go of what I don’t need it’s warmth, it’s pleasure, it’s a miracle, it’s lon_
(To) sing to God and to your smile ging, it’s to be born again, surrender and truth,
To always sing to love hope, it’s to grow, it’s to trust, to break free.

Darling, you are a Bird of Paradise You have to whistle this:
You are my big and strong shelter
You are the sound of my voice

You carry millions of colored lights
And you make life a celebration
Enlightening the heart

I have everything for you Hey, you have to whistle
A new world for you -
Do you want to come with me? You have to whistle, hey
Come here with me You have to whistle

I have something beautiful for you Hey, you have to whistle
It´s really beautiful, it’s for you -
Do you want to come with me? You have to whistle, hey
Come here with me, come You have to whistle

Hey, you have to whistle
You have to whistle, hey
You have to whistle

Hey, you have to whistle
You have to whistle, hey
You have to whistle

Hey, you have to whistle
You have to whistle, hey
You have to whistle

08. STRELITZIA (Ave de Paraíso)

Oye, tienes que silbar,
tienes que silbar, ¿eh?
Tienes que silbar.

Yo quiero siempre estar Es un amor, es un color, es la brisa, un calor,
yo quiero siempre cantar es la vida, es una flor, es la luna, es el sol, es la
para ti, para mí, para todos. tierra, es raíz, es un tiempo feliz, para ti, para mí,
Yo quiero siempre ser la misma para quien no está aquí, una luz, un decir,
la misma, pero no la misma. es la fe, es la paz, sentimiento importante,
Dejar ir lo que no necesito. es ternura, es placer, es un milagro, es anhelo,
Cántale a Dios y a tu sonrisa, es volver a nacer, rendición y verdad, esperanza,
cantarle siempre al amor. es crecer, es confiar, liberarse.

Cariño, eres Ave de Paraíso, Tienes que silbar así:
eres mi fuerte y grande alivio (refugio),
eres el sonido de mi voz.

Portas millones de luces de colores
y haces de la vida una fiesta,
iluminando el corazón.

Yo tengo todo para ti Oye, tienes que silbar,
un nuevo mundo para ti. -
¿Quieres venir conmigo? tienes que silbar, ¿eh?
Ven aquí conmigo. Tienes que silbar.

Es algo bello para ti, Oye, tienes que silbar,
es realmente bello, es para ti. -
¿Quieres venir conmigo? tienes que silbar, ¿eh?
Ven aquí conmigo, ven. Tienes que silbar.

Oye, tienes que silbar,
tienes que silbar, ¿eh?
Tienes que silbar.

Oye, tienes que silbar,
tienes que silbar, ¿eh?
Tienes que silbar.

Oye, tienes que silbar,
tienes que silbar, ¿eh?
Tienes que silbar.


Luchar por, luchar por,
luchar, luchar por,
luchar, luchar.

Luchar por, luchar por, Honestamente, ¿es esa tu lucha?
luchar, luchar por, Honestamente, ¿luchas?
luchar, luchar. Entiendo, entiendo.

Luchar por, luchar por, Gritar, emocionar, cantar, escalar,
luchar, luchar por, buscar, gentileza, niño,
luchar, luchar. fragilidad, refractar, nobleza.

Luchar por, luchar por, Cantar, emocionar, encontrar,
luchar, luchar por, gritar, escalar.
luchar, luchar.

Luchar por, luchar por, luchar por, luchar por…

y al creer SOY.
Los caminos han florecido para nosotros.
Estar en plena forma es nuestra causa.
Luchar por…